
正规的赌博app takes student safety very seriously. 确保学生的安全, the “失踪学生政策和程序” will assist us in locating Kettering student(s) and, based on facts and circumstances known to the University, 谁被确定失踪了. These policies and procedures are believed to comply with the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended by Public Law 110-315 in August 2008 (20 USC 1092(j)).

Anyone who believes a 正规的赌博app student to be missing should report their concern to 校园安全, 居住生活 (if the student lives in Thompson Hall) or the Office of 学生生活. Every report made to campus officials will be investigated. Depending upon the circumstances presented to University officials, 失踪学生的家长可能会收到通知. 如果有必要通知家长, 学生主任, 或指定, 我会打电话给你.


  • The Kettering official receiving the report will collect and document the following information on the Missing Student Form.
    • 姓名、关系和正规赌博十大网站(如.e. 举报人的电话号码或电邮地址.
    • The date, time and location the missing student was last seen
    • The general routine or habits of the suspected missing student, e.g., 经常拜访住在校外的朋友, 经常回家, 最近的行为举止有什么变化吗, 等.
    • The missing student’s cell phone number, if known by the reporter. *Please remind the person filing the report that if they hear from the missing student to contact us again.
  • The Kettering official will then bring the Missing Student Form to 学生主任, 校园安全或居住生活.
    • The 正规的赌博app official receiving the report will inform 学生主任 and 校园安全.
    • 教务长将决定教务长是否, the President and the Chief Public Relations Officer should be informed.
  • Upon notification from any person that a student may be missing, 正规的赌博app officials may use any or all of the following resources to assist in locating the student:
    • 打电话给学生的房间(如果住在汤普森大厅).
    • 检查学生的汤普森大厅房间.
    • Print a current student ID photo or other photo of the student (via IT, 校园安全和/或脸谱网).
    • Verify with IT the last known location (via card reader) of where the student was on campus. This could include any on campus location and last use of meal plan and 娱乐中心. Ask the Information Technology staff to provide electronic logs for the purpose of determining the last login, 访问, 以及正规的赌博app信息技术网络的使用.
    • Call and text the student’s cell phone and call any other telephone numbers on record.
    • 给学生发一封电子邮件.
    • Contact the 健康中心 to see if student is/has been in contact with them.
    • 课程安排请与教务处联系. 如果上课,派人去上课.
    • 检查所有可能的地点,包括, 但不限于, 餐厅区域, BJ的休息室, 图书馆, 宿舍休息室, 校园中心空间, 莫特中心, 娱乐中心, 学术建设, 等.
    • Contact 或打电话 any other on-campus or off-campus friends or contacts that are made known. This could include checking a student’s social networking sites such as 脸谱网, 推特, 等.
    • Ascertain the student’s auto make, model, and license plate number. 校园安全 will check 正规的赌博app parking lots for the presence of the student’s vehicle.

If the missing student is under the age of 18 years and not an emancipated individual, within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, 学生主任 must notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian as identified in the University’s records. If the missing student is over the age of 18 years or an emancipated individual, within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, 学生主任 must notify the individuals found in the emergency contact information that is stored in Banner. If the emergency contact information stored in Banner is absent or unusable, the appropriate law enforcement agency will be informed after the student has been missing for 24 hours.

  • Kettering officials will report the information to the Flint Police Department within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. If, in the course of gathering the information described above, 有明显的或强烈的迹象表明有谋杀行为, the Flint Police Department may be contacted immediately. 如果有必要联系弗林特警方, the University will follow its procedures for managing this type of incident.
  • This policy and its procedures will be incorporated into the 校园安全 and 学生生活 websites, integrated into Resident Assistant training and included in 校园安全’s annual security report.
  • 在每学期开始的时候, we require all Kettering students to confirm or update the emergency contact information stored in Banner. The information is to be used only in emergencies, including the suspicion of missing students. Thompson Hall residents complete an Emergency Contact Form as part of their check in paperwork at the beginning of each term.
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